Lorna's Little Things

Finally taking a leap in to the already jam-packed world of blogging. I don't expect to produce an awe-inspiring or even interesting blog but I do look forward to sharing the daily ramblings and ponderings of a 23 year old finding her way in the world of teaching and this bizarre thing we call life.

Saturday 28 November 2015

Taking the leap...

Blogging has long been something that I have been interested in but my own insecurities and those niggling thoughts many of us experience - will people think I'm stupid? Will people judge me? - have meant I have always been too apprehensive to try it. Well today, after reading a good friend's blog, I have decided to take the leap and do it because well... why not?

I have read in many other peoples blogs, in magazines and in books that as you get older a mystical epiphany happens - who cares what other people think? And you become this care free butterfly fluttering around, doing what you want, drinking all the wine you want and suddenly not caring that you lovingly told Susan at the Christmas party that she needs to lighten up and, quite frankly, her dress is slightly too revealing for her 60 years. Oops, it came from a good place...really.

Well at the age of 23, I have had that epiphany. And so I am going to turn myself in to that care-free, inquisitive and slightly temerarious butterfly. I know, I know writing a blog isn't quite jumping off a cliff on a gap yar whilst backpacking in Bali, but it's a first step for me.